Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today I prayed over my business...

That is not unusual. I do that every day. So, why am I blogging about it today? Why was today different? Well, I've been praying for God to place people in my path for me to help and for my business to be successful. And, He has been doing that. So, why am I stuck in the same rank and some customers starting to drop off after their 3 months? Today, that was the answer I prayed for.

Today, He kept answering my question with a question. "Are you doing all you can do, Pam?" Yes, was my reply. "Really? Are you really?" This kept bugging me. So I went back on my old posts in my Wraptastic Wrappers group. I often give my team advice there. Some of my advice to them:


Hmmm... am I following my own advice DAILY? Nope. For instance, today I have no six list made, no blitz cards in play, have not used my products correctly, have not went anywhere so wearing gear would do me no good, and did not call or message any contacts. Well, you could say today is just one day. But what about all the other "just one day"s that I've had? They all affect the outcome of my story. I am writing my own story and, if I want a happy ending, I better get back at it---INTENTIONALLY! 

Thank you, God, for my answer and for opening my eyes to see it for myself.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Vendor Event Over the Weekend...

Did a vendor event on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Got quite a few names to follow up with and add to my 100's list. I wish I had Lisa Kaye Fuller's "Monday Tip of the Day" before I went, though. 

She talked about getting quality leads from vendor events and not just quantity. It doesn't matter how many names you get with contact info if all they are doing is signing up for whatever free product you are offering. You want to engage them in conversation a bit first and assess their needs. If they are truly interested in what you have to offer, only then have them fill out a slip for the free product. 

I know that for next time. In the meantime, I will be following up with the leads I received and pray for some positive results.

If you are not following Lisa Kaye Fuller on Facebook, I suggest you do so. She is a top money earner in network marketing. She has great advice to follow!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Change is good. Quit fighting it,

So, I'm sitting here contemplating life and changes. I've been listening to everyone around me lately and I have noticed two things:

Those who are happiest, have made changes in their lives to be so and those that complain the most refuse to make any changes.

The first group, the happy ones, have been through their fair share of hard times. The only difference is that they refused to let those hard times bring them down. They decided that life could be better if only things would change. They didn't sit around and wait for change. They took proactive steps to CAUSE change!

Now, the second group of people are so good at complaining they are darn near professional at it! They manipulate the world into feeling sorry for them to the point where they really believe themselves incapable of changing their circumstances.Someone once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I believe that wholeheartedly.

You have to find a reason to change. A real, honest to goodness "why". A why that is so strong you will let nothing hold you back from achieving the happiness and change you desire. Then you must REFUSE to let that "why" turn into your "why not". In other words, if you are making a change for better health, don't let your poor health keep you from going after it. If your "why" are your finances, don't let money hold you back from making changes. And if making a better life for your children is your "why", don't let the fact that you are busy raising a family become your "why not". 

Only YOU can bring yourself to the state of happiness that we all can achieve, but you have to want it more than you fear it. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. Will you make your 24 count? Or will you whine your way to the end we all eventually come to? It's up to you. You can REALLY live life, or you can choose to muddle through. 

Personally, I don't think change is really all that difficult, once you decide to let go of all those excuse barriers you've put up for your convenience. 

Did you know it takes more facial muscles to frown that it does to smile? Not to mention, smiling looks and feels so much better!

So SMILE, make a CHANGE, and be HAPPY, even if you don't mean it because eventually you will!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

On Blogging for Your Business...

Blogging helps grow your business. Blog feeds can be linked to social media sites via the RSS function. When configured properly, everytime a new post is made, that post shows in your social media on targeted pages or groups. What a neat way to reach more people with less effort!

Work smarter, not harder in network marketing!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Team is Growing Again...

It is very exciting to sign on a new team member, but even more so when that team member is someone who is already your friend. 

I feel I achieve my success by helping others reach their goals. I know how much It Works changes lives, and what it is doing for mine. 

Veronica is an amazing person with many connections. 

I want to thank her, publicly, for joining me on this journey. 

Welcome to the team, Veronica! 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Crazy Busy, Exciting Week...

The first week of June is gone... It was crazy busy, and very exciting! I am meeting new friends to network with, as well as those to join forces with for successful advancement in business!! 

I am amazed at just how small this world really is when you look at it in terms of commonality between individuals. There are so many like-minded people out there. Finding those people, and connecting with them, involves stepping outside of your comfort zone and reaching out. You have to be willing to give to receive. 

Imagine 4096 in your downline in just 1 year! It can be done and it all starts with ONE. Can you add just ONE person to your team a month? If you make sure that the ONE person you add can also add JUST ONE person per month and they do the same, 4096 in a year WILL happen. Here is a mathematical way of looking at a successful team:

It starts with one
What happens when everyone gets 1 per month. Lets see

. You start today and get 1 this month. Next month you and 

your partner get 1 each. Now you have 4 in your downline

. Not much yet huh? How about month 3 everyone gets just

 1 each. Now you have 8, month 4 =16 month 5=32 month 

6=64 month 7=128 Starting to get fun yet? Month 8=256

 month 9=512 month 10=1024 month 11=2048 and 1 year 

from now you have 4096 people in your downline. Let's 

focus on getting 1 this month as soon as humanly possible.

Friday, June 6, 2014

It Pays To Be Loyal...

Ever wondered exactly what it means to be a "loyal customer" with It Works! Global? Are there benefits to ordering products as a loyal customer as opposed to a retail customer? There sure is!

Watch this video, it explains the perks of being a loyal customer. Then either go to my website and order, choosing "loyal customer" 


Text your name and "loyal" to: 407-764-2285

Friday, May 30, 2014


Ever since I embarked on this journey, I have been praying to God for perseverance, patience, and the right people in my path to make this new journey a success. He is giving me these blessings and more!

Tonight, another wonderful and motivated person joined my team. She and I actually know each other from high school. So, I know she is a good and honest person. Her name is Kym Caster-Simon. I want to publicly welcome her to the It Works! family. This is going to be an amazing and lucrative partnership for both of us!

Kym joined the company within the eligibility period, which ends today at 11:59pm (May 31, 2014). She can now turn her $99 investment into $10,000 by August! It is so doable, too! 

With enrollment ending tonight, hurry to the website and sign on as a distributor! It'll be the best $99 you ever spent!! Our team is looking for motivated individuals. If that sounds like you, join us!

The Chances For Advancement Astound Me...

This company is amazing. Our team keeps growing and people are advancing to the next rank like hotcakes. 

Last month, I bragged about my niece making Diamond (that is $1910.00 per month, not including bonuses!!! WOW, STAGGERING!) and I thought I could not be prouder.

Then, she turned around and in ONE month advanced to DOUBLE DIAMOND!! She is truly an inspiration and she is my rock! 

Right now, I am only a Diamond in the rough, but soon I will be a bright shiny new Diamond and I have my team to thank for it. They are all amazing and supportive. I never received support and inspiration like this working a 9-5, that's for sure! AND, I get the bonus of helping people succeed while they get healthy. This is truly the job I was always meant to do...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

HOW and WHY the wrap works...

Were you wondering just how and why this crazy wrap thing works? Well, here's your answer! The Ultimate Body Applicator does not cause "water weight loss". In fact, because of the fact that the botanical ingredients in the wrap draws toxins out of the fat cells causing them to shrink (hence, the inches lost), wrappers are encouraged to drink AT LEAST 2 bottles or large glasses of water DURING their wrap and AT LEAST 1/2 of their body weight in ounces for 3 days following their wrap.  Below is a picture that shows what the botanical ingredients of the wrap do to the fat cells...

Everyone develops cellulite over time and nothing will get rid of it completely. Our wraps can, and do, reduce the appearance of cellulite! Why not try one for yourself? CLICK BELOW: 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Get Ready to Live the GOOD Life:

At least 10 times per day, I hear people talk about the economy and how they are always so broke. Mainly, it's complaints about the government and how they are robbing us all blind. I agree that they are. I also wholeheartedly believe that, in Corporate America, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS, PEOPLE!!! When you are working FOR somebody, you are paying for their sailboats, their trips to Maui, their kids' dental bills, etc. What does that do for you? Can YOU buy a yacht? Are YOU going on family vacations paid for with cash? What kind of car are YOU driving, if any? And, can you even afford the gas TO drive anywhere?

If you answered "no" to any of those questions, it's time to jump off the corporate bandwagon and start making money for yourself! Each month, I am watching members of my team promote and raise in pay because of the hard work we all put in. I am watching my own numbers double, and triple, too. In a month's time, I'll be a Diamond! The only thing it takes to succeed in this company is perseverance and the willingness to step outside of your comfort zone! My upline went from J.ust O.ver B.roke to millionaires in 5 years time. They were literally a week away from losing their home AND vehicle. Now, they're building their dream home, paid for with CASH. Watch their story, and then get ready to tell your own...

I am what is lovingly referred to as a "wrap girl." I am teaching others to be the same. And I am making good money doing it... from the comfort of my own home!
There are "wrap guys" out there, too! When you are tired of making your boss rich, contact me and we'll talk. Text "my own boss" to: (407)764-2285, along with your name and email address.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


What is one to do when the child she has raised to age 25 is refusing to grow up? He's not incapable of it. I've seen him accomplish things he claims he "can't" do. He comes up with all kinds of excuses on why he "can't" do this or that. But the word he is really looking for is "won't" not "can't". 

He lives with me, of course. He has opportunities available to him, but refuses to take them. Says he's been "hurt too many times" to venture out into the world. Meanwhile, this is crippling him and putting a financial strain on me! He tells me to just admit that I've raised a failure. Ok, yep... I coddled him to the point where now he thinks the world owes him a living. My bad! But he's grown now and time for him to take responsibility for himself. He CHOOSES to fail by not trying. He even says, "I'll just go live in Carriagetown then!" Carriagetown is a homeless shelter here in town. When I say, "Go ahead, but don't you think they will also expect you to try to do for yourself?", he says "I just wish I could be 85 years old with one foot in the grave. I pray I don't wake up sometimes." Now, before you get all alarmed that he's suicidal and crying out for help, let me assure you, he is not suicidal. He says those drastic things to try to end the conversation so that he doesn't have to discuss trying to live a decent life anymore. More times than I can count, I've called the ambulance and told them my son is suicidal only to have them release him the next day, with prescription in hand, which he won't take. 

Before you ask, we've already tried to get him to go to counseling... he refuses. He's been on medication... refuses to take that also. He's applying for disability. I believe he is learning disabled, but not physically disabled. Mentally and emotionally disabled, but capable of physical labor. Just simply refusing. 

So I ask again, "what to do, what to do?" What I want to do is push the baby bird out of the nest and force him to survive on his own. The protector and mother in me won't allow me to do that. 

Monday, May 19, 2014


Now I've added the ability to order wraps via this blog as single wraps! To order, simply hit "buy now" and then email me your address @ Right now I have 6 wraps in stock. I will verify the payment first and then ship your wrap and wrap instructions the same day. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 10, 2014



Today I created something called a "landing page". It is a page that captures people's attention. They can enter their names and email addresses and I can, in turn, create newsletters that will be mailed to all who subscribe via the landing page. 

It's free to whoever wants to subscribe and, best of all, I can reach more people daily with the easy click of the button!

I am totally loving my new job. The It Works! products are making me more confident, organized, and happier.

Check out my landing page...


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Get Healthy While Helping Others...






and it won't cost you a dime, unless you decide to place an order!!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I am really excited about It Works! products. I need help in getting myself out there. Can everyone please go to my page and "like" and "share" it...


Pamela Arnold Wraps U Skinny

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


 I am still on track. Haven't ate any carbs or sugars today still, other than the sugar-free cream in my coffee (those say "sugar-free", but they do still contain sweeteners, which are a form of sugar. To our bodies, sugar is sugar, regardless of the source. Was at the doctor's office today to introduce my friend as a new patient so I stepped on the scale. I'm still up 4 lbs. from last time, but down 6 of the 10 that I was up. I didn't fuel correctly with my nutrition today, though, because of running around and a bit of stress that happened. Therefore, I only had two cups of coffee with creamer all day. Right now, I'm preheating the oven to make chicken, spinach, and cheese bake. 

I met a potential loyal customer today at the pharmacy. *Fingers crossed that she will go to the website and order some It Works! products. Or call me to schedule an in home wrapping party!

As I said in my previous post, I am also incorporating exercise into my 90 program. Yesterday, I walked on my mini trampoline. Today, I'm doing some floor exercises, requiring no gym equipment...

DO THIS 90 DAYS WITH ME!!! You won't regret it!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014


Awesome!! I fueled with all healthy proteins and veggies today. My candy dishes all contain nuts now, instead of candy. I went back to walking and jumping on my mini-trampoline. 

My Defining Gel, Fat Fighters, and Greens didn't get here yet.  It looks like they shipped on the 5th, though, so probably tomorrow or the next day. 

I have 2 loyal customers already and am commission qualified.  That means I start making commission on anything that I sell. I'm looking for 2 more loyal customers and 3 distributors. I'm also looking for product testers. That means you get the loyal customer pricing and, at the end of 90 days, I wrap you for free.  Interested persons can inbox me on Facebook, call me 407-764-2285, or comment below.

Whose With Me...

Although the It Works! program doesn't ask that we change our diet or exercise regimine, I figured it could only help. Therefore, I've committed to myself that I am going to develop a healthier lifestyle, featuring the It Works! products. I am going to walk daily, cut out breads and sugars, and go to the gym 3 times per week. In addition, I am incorporating my It Works! wraps twice per week, Greens twice daily, Defining Gel twice daily, and the Fat Fighters twice daily (maybe 3 times!). 

Bikini season is right around the corner. I'm worth 90 days! Aren't you, too? Join me...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I'm excited to be placing my first order as a Distributor with It Works! It's a small order, and I don't have any LC's (that's "loyal customer"), but I'm optimistic that I will have soon. Especially since I keep posting pictures like this on Facebook....

Monday, March 31, 2014

Looking Forward With Enthusiasm...

2014, and onward, is going to be GREAT!! I finally moved back where I belong. I had been living in Florida for the past 5 years and feeling lost. All of my family and friends are here, in Michigan. I felt alone, isolated, and depressed. Now I'm back, happy, and even ENGAGED!! Funny thing is that after all of my travels trying to find Mr. Right and my place in this life, I found out everything I needed and could ever want was right here all along. Scott and I actually went to school together back in the day and were good friends. Hung out in the same crowds and everything! I guess God doesn't reveal our true path until He knows we are ready to handle it. 

I am also embarking on a healthy new lifestyle. My niece introduced me to It Works! These products are an all natural way to get healthy. I am looking forward to getting my body back to tightened and toned. I love that I don't have to change my diet and exercise plan, but also that I can if I want to (which I do!). At the same time, I'll also change my financial future! My niece (pictured below) is proof-positive of that! She's been with the company for only 4 months and has already achieved Diamond status, which comes with a hefty $10,000 BONUS! Real people, making real money!!!