Thursday, August 7, 2014

Change is good. Quit fighting it,

So, I'm sitting here contemplating life and changes. I've been listening to everyone around me lately and I have noticed two things:

Those who are happiest, have made changes in their lives to be so and those that complain the most refuse to make any changes.

The first group, the happy ones, have been through their fair share of hard times. The only difference is that they refused to let those hard times bring them down. They decided that life could be better if only things would change. They didn't sit around and wait for change. They took proactive steps to CAUSE change!

Now, the second group of people are so good at complaining they are darn near professional at it! They manipulate the world into feeling sorry for them to the point where they really believe themselves incapable of changing their circumstances.Someone once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I believe that wholeheartedly.

You have to find a reason to change. A real, honest to goodness "why". A why that is so strong you will let nothing hold you back from achieving the happiness and change you desire. Then you must REFUSE to let that "why" turn into your "why not". In other words, if you are making a change for better health, don't let your poor health keep you from going after it. If your "why" are your finances, don't let money hold you back from making changes. And if making a better life for your children is your "why", don't let the fact that you are busy raising a family become your "why not". 

Only YOU can bring yourself to the state of happiness that we all can achieve, but you have to want it more than you fear it. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. Will you make your 24 count? Or will you whine your way to the end we all eventually come to? It's up to you. You can REALLY live life, or you can choose to muddle through. 

Personally, I don't think change is really all that difficult, once you decide to let go of all those excuse barriers you've put up for your convenience. 

Did you know it takes more facial muscles to frown that it does to smile? Not to mention, smiling looks and feels so much better!

So SMILE, make a CHANGE, and be HAPPY, even if you don't mean it because eventually you will!

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